# WINkLink AnyAPI 服務
# 概覽
AnyAPI 服務提供一系列內部適配器,讓用戶可以借助 WINkLink 節點的強大功能生成自定義數據。
WINkLink AnyAPI 解決方案由鏈上和鏈下兩部分組成:
- AnyAPI Consumer(鏈上組件):用於同 AnyAPI Operator 合約交互。用戶需向該合約充值 Wink 代幣以發起請求。
- AnyAPI Operator(鏈上組件):用於處理 Consumer 合約發起的所有 AnyAPI 請求的合約,它會在用戶發起請求時發布一個事件,並把結果轉發給 Consumer 合約。
- AnyAPI 服務(鏈下節點):通過訂閱 AnyAPI Operator 事件日誌監聽請求,並執行指定操作以獲取自定義數據。服務將根據請求中指定的外部任務 ID 觸發對應的任務。
# 合約
Nile 環境中(測試環境)部署了一組用於測試的合約。
項目 | 數值 |
WIN Token | TNDSHKGBmgRx9mDYA9CnxPx55nu672yQw2 |
WinkMid | TLLEKGqhH4MiN541BDaGpXD7MRkwG2mTro |
Operator | THRs9Y3vqE4FMTE7LPjMB4LFEH8uUsZaE4 |
SingleWordConsumer | TP3yr6MYDTDsta9JchahunXk1vvKkw87LS |
MultiWordConsumer | TNCqRNxC3epb6KAiVyUvfFHJEkN2miTTb1 |
Single Word Spec ID | 0x8495b310eb4a479f8982ad656521344900000000000000000000000000000000 |
Multi Word Spec ID | 0x1145310598fc4c25b825f4dae83e921e00000000000000000000000000000000 |
# 使用現有的 WINkLink AnyAPI
當前部署的 Consumer 合約和任務僅為示例,用於學習和測試。建議用戶自主設定任務規範,創建專屬的 Consumer 合約。
# AnyAPI 請求步驟
Dapp/Consumer 合約發起單變量/多變量請求,對應不同的外部任務 ID。
Dapp 合約調用 WinkMid transferAndCall 函數向 Operator 支付請求所需的費用。這一方法將發送 Wink 代幣並執行 onTokenTransfer。
Operator 中的 onTokenTransfer 邏輯將觸發預言機請求方法並發布 OracleRequest 事件。
訂閱該鏈的 AnyAPI 節點在收到事件後根據所含的外部任務 ID 進行處理。
Operator 合約收到節點的回調函數後將結果返回給 Dapp/Consumer 合約。
使用 WINkLink Operator 合約和節點前,用戶需創建自己的 Consumer 合約和任務規範,並向合約內充值以發起請求。
# 啟動 AnyAPI 服務節點
# 入門指南
WINkLink 的維護者需要對波場 TRON 有一定的了解,且熟悉智能合約的部署和調用流程。建議閱讀波場相關的官方文檔,特別是 TronIDE 上進行合約部署的相關文章。
# 所需環境
WINkLink 節點依賴 PostgreSQL 數據庫,開發者可在 postgresql 官網的官方文檔 (opens new window)中獲取更多信息。
這裏假定本機部署的 PostgreSQL 實例的用戶名和密碼分別是 root:root。在生產環境中請使用強密碼或其他驗證方式。
WINkLink 節點使用的編程語言為 Go,因此需要搭建 Golang 環境。
# 節點配置
WINkLink 節點的配置文件格式為 TOML,主配置為 tools/config/config.toml。你可以使用 secrets.toml 指定要使用的 db 實例。以下為參考模板。
# secrets.toml
URL = 'postgresql://root:root@localhost:5432/winklink?sslmode=disable' # Require
AllowSimplePasswords = true
Keystore = 'keystorePassword' # Required
TronApiKey = 'apiKey'
節點配置文件確認完畢後,還需要創建 apicredentials
文件和 password
,然後寫入用戶 ID 和密碼訪問節點 API:
# apicredentials
totallyNotFakePassword (16 characters long)
# password
totallyNotFakePassword (16 characters long)
# 搭建節點 Docker 鏡像
使用以下指令構建標準的 Linux 鏡像:
# build a docker image
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t winklink-2.0 -f core/winklink.Dockerfile .
將構建好的 Docker 鏡像打上標簽並推送到所需的存儲庫進行部署。
# 用源代碼啟動節點
前往 winklink-2.0 源代碼的基本目錄
make install
使用以下指令及對應配置項啟動 WINkLink 節點:
winklink -c /tools/config/config.toml -s /tools/config/secrets.toml node start -p /tools/secrets/password -a /tools/secrets/apicredentials
節點帳號必須有足夠的 TRX 代幣,用於合約調用。可以通過測試網水龍頭申請測試代幣。
# Operator 合約
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.6;
import "./AuthorizedReceiver.sol";
import "./TRC20ReceiverInterface.sol";
import "./ConfirmedOwner.sol";
import "./TRC20Interface.sol";
import "./OperatorInterface.sol";
import "./OwnableInterface.sol";
import "./WithdrawalInterface.sol";
import "./SafeMathWinklink.sol";
* @title The Winklink Operator contract
* @notice Node operators can deploy this contract to fulfill requests sent to them
contract Operator is AuthorizedReceiver, ConfirmedOwner, TRC20ReceiverInterface, OperatorInterface, WithdrawalInterface {
using SafeMathWinklink for uint256;
struct Commitment {
bytes31 paramsHash;
uint8 dataVersion;
uint256 public constant getExpiryTime = 5 minutes;
uint256 private constant MAXIMUM_DATA_VERSION = 256;
uint256 private constant MINIMUM_CONSUMER_GAS_LIMIT = 400000;
uint256 private constant SELECTOR_LENGTH = 4;
uint256 private constant EXPECTED_REQUEST_WORDS = 2;
// We initialize fields to 1 instead of 0 so that the first invocation
// does not cost more gas.
uint256 private constant ONE_FOR_CONSISTENT_GAS_COST = 1;
// oracleRequest is intended for version 1, enabling single word responses
bytes4 private constant ORACLE_REQUEST_SELECTOR = this.oracleRequest.selector;
// operatorRequest is intended for version 2, enabling multi-word responses
bytes4 private constant OPERATOR_REQUEST_SELECTOR = this.operatorRequest.selector;
TRC20Interface internal immutable winkToken;
WinkMid internal immutable winkMid;
mapping(bytes32 => Commitment) private s_commitments;
mapping(address => bool) private s_owned;
// Tokens sent for requests that have not been fulfilled yet
uint256 private s_tokensInEscrow = ONE_FOR_CONSISTENT_GAS_COST;
event OracleRequest(
bytes32 indexed specId,
address requester,
bytes32 requestId,
uint256 payment,
address callbackAddr,
bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
uint256 cancelExpiration,
uint256 dataVersion,
bytes data
event CancelOracleRequest(bytes32 indexed requestId);
event OracleResponse(bytes32 indexed requestId);
event OwnableContractAccepted(address indexed acceptedContract);
event TargetsUpdatedAuthorizedSenders(address[] targets, address[] senders, address changedBy);
* @notice Deploy with the address of the WINK token
* @dev Sets the WinkToken address for the imported TRC20Interface
* @param wink The address of the WINK token
* @param owner The address of the owner
constructor(address wink, address _winkMid, address owner) ConfirmedOwner(owner) {
winkToken = TRC20Interface(wink); // external but already deployed and unalterable
winkMid = WinkMid(_winkMid);
* @notice The type and version of this contract
* @return Type and version string
function typeAndVersion() external pure virtual returns (string memory) {
return "Operator 1.0.0";
* @notice Creates the Winklink request. This is a backwards compatible API
* with the Oracle.sol contract, but the behavior changes because
* callbackAddress is assumed to be the same as the request sender.
* @param callbackAddress The consumer of the request
* @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
* @param specId The Job Specification ID
* @param callbackAddress The address the oracle data will be sent to
* @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID for the response
* @param nonce The nonce sent by the requester
* @param dataVersion The specified data version
* @param data The extra request parameters
function oracleRequest(
address sender,
uint256 payment,
bytes32 specId,
address callbackAddress,
bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
uint256 nonce,
uint256 dataVersion,
bytes calldata data
) external override {
(bytes32 requestId, uint256 expiration) = _verifyAndProcessOracleRequest(
emit OracleRequest(specId, sender, requestId, payment, sender, callbackFunctionId, expiration, dataVersion, data);
* @notice Creates the Winklink request
* @dev Stores the hash of the params as the on-chain commitment for the request.
* Emits OracleRequest event for the Winklink node to detect.
* @param sender The sender of the request
* @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
* @param specId The Job Specification ID
* @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID for the response
* @param nonce The nonce sent by the requester
* @param dataVersion The specified data version
* @param data The extra request parameters
function operatorRequest(
address sender,
uint256 payment,
bytes32 specId,
bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
uint256 nonce,
uint256 dataVersion,
bytes calldata data
) external override {
(bytes32 requestId, uint256 expiration) = _verifyAndProcessOracleRequest(
emit OracleRequest(specId, sender, requestId, payment, sender, callbackFunctionId, expiration, dataVersion, data);
* @notice Called by the Winklink node to fulfill requests
* @dev Given params must hash back to the commitment stored from `oracleRequest`.
* Will call the callback address' callback function without bubbling up error
* checking in a `require` so that the node can get paid.
* @param requestId The fulfillment request ID that must match the requesters'
* @param payment The payment amount that will be released for the oracle (specified in wei)
* @param callbackAddress The callback address to call for fulfillment
* @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID to use for fulfillment
* @param expiration The expiration that the node should respond by before the requester can cancel
* @param data The data to return to the consuming contract
* @return Status if the external call was successful
function fulfillOracleRequest(
bytes32 requestId,
uint256 payment,
address callbackAddress,
bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
uint256 expiration,
bytes32 data
returns (bool)
_verifyOracleRequestAndProcessPayment(requestId, payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration, 1);
emit OracleResponse(requestId);
// require(gasleft() >= MINIMUM_CONSUMER_GAS_LIMIT, "Must provide consumer enough gas");
// All updates to the oracle's fulfillment should come before calling the
// callback(addr+functionId) as it is untrusted.
// See: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/security-considerations.html#use-the-checks-effects-interactions-pattern
(bool success, ) = callbackAddress.call(abi.encodeWithSelector(callbackFunctionId, requestId, data)); // solhint-disable-line avoid-low-level-calls
return success;
* @notice Called by the Winklink node to fulfill requests with multi-word support
* @dev Given params must hash back to the commitment stored from `oracleRequest`.
* Will call the callback address' callback function without bubbling up error
* checking in a `require` so that the node can get paid.
* @param requestId The fulfillment request ID that must match the requester's
* @param payment The payment amount that will be released for the oracle (specified in wei)
* @param callbackAddress The callback address to call for fulfillment
* @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID to use for fulfillment
* @param expiration The expiration that the node should respond by before the requester can cancel
* @param data The data to return to the consuming contract
* @return Status if the external call was successful
function fulfillOracleRequest2(
bytes32 requestId,
uint256 payment,
address callbackAddress,
bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
uint256 expiration,
bytes calldata data
validateMultiWordResponseId(requestId, data)
returns (bool)
_verifyOracleRequestAndProcessPayment(requestId, payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration, 2);
emit OracleResponse(requestId);
// require(gasleft() >= MINIMUM_CONSUMER_GAS_LIMIT, "Must provide consumer enough gas");
// All updates to the oracle's fulfillment should come before calling the
// callback(addr+functionId) as it is untrusted.
// See: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/security-considerations.html#use-the-checks-effects-interactions-pattern
(bool success, ) = callbackAddress.call(abi.encodePacked(callbackFunctionId, data)); // solhint-disable-line avoid-low-level-calls
return success;
* @notice Transfer the ownership of ownable contracts. This is primarily
* intended for Authorized Forwarders but could possibly be extended to work
* with future contracts.
* @param ownable list of addresses to transfer
* @param newOwner address to transfer ownership to
function transferOwnableContracts(address[] calldata ownable, address newOwner) external onlyOwner {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < ownable.length; i++) {
s_owned[ownable[i]] = false;
* @notice Accept the ownership of an ownable contract. This is primarily
* intended for Authorized Forwarders but could possibly be extended to work
* with future contracts.
* @dev Must be the pending owner on the contract
* @param ownable list of addresses of Ownable contracts to accept
function acceptOwnableContracts(address[] calldata ownable) public validateAuthorizedSenderSetter {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < ownable.length; i++) {
s_owned[ownable[i]] = true;
emit OwnableContractAccepted(ownable[i]);
* @notice Sets the fulfillment permission for
* @param targets The addresses to set permissions on
* @param senders The addresses that are allowed to send updates
function setAuthorizedSendersOn(address[] calldata targets, address[] calldata senders)
TargetsUpdatedAuthorizedSenders(targets, senders, msg.sender);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
* @notice Accepts ownership of ownable contracts and then immediately sets
* the authorized sender list on each of the newly owned contracts. This is
* primarily intended for Authorized Forwarders but could possibly be
* extended to work with future contracts.
* @param targets The addresses to set permissions on
* @param senders The addresses that are allowed to send updates
function acceptAuthorizedReceivers(address[] calldata targets, address[] calldata senders)
setAuthorizedSendersOn(targets, senders);
* @notice Allows the node operator to withdraw earned WINK to a given address
* @dev The owner of the contract can be another wallet and does not have to be a Winklink node
* @param recipient The address to send the WINK token to
* @param amount The amount to send (specified in wei)
function withdraw(address recipient, uint256 amount)
override(OracleInterface, WithdrawalInterface)
assert(winkToken.transfer(recipient, amount));
* @notice Displays the amount of WINK that is available for the node operator to withdraw
* @dev We use `ONE_FOR_CONSISTENT_GAS_COST` in place of 0 in storage
* @return The amount of withdrawable WINK on the contract
function withdrawable() external view override(OracleInterface, WithdrawalInterface) returns (uint256) {
return _fundsAvailable();
* @notice Forward a call to another contract
* @dev Only callable by the owner
* @param to address
* @param data to forward
function ownerForward(address to, bytes calldata data) external onlyOwner validateNotToWINK(to) {
require(isContract(to), "Must forward to a contract");
(bool status, ) = to.call(data);
require(status, "Forwarded call failed");
* @notice Interact with other WINKTokenReceiver contracts by calling transferAndCall
* @param to The address to transfer to.
* @param value The amount to be transferred.
* @param data The extra data to be passed to the receiving contract.
* @return success bool
function ownerTransferAndCall(
address to,
uint64 value,
bytes calldata data
) external override onlyOwner validateAvailableFunds(value) returns (bool success) {
winkToken.approve(address(winkMid), value);
return winkMid.transferAndCall(to, value, data);
* @notice Distribute funds to multiple addresses using ETH send
* to this payable function.
* @dev Array length must be equal, TRX sent must equal the sum of amounts.
* A malicious receiver could cause the distribution to revert, in which case
* it is expected that the address is removed from the list.
* @param receivers list of addresses
* @param amounts list of amounts
function distributeFunds(address payable[] calldata receivers, uint256[] calldata amounts) external payable {
require(receivers.length > 0 && receivers.length == amounts.length, "Invalid array length(s)");
uint256 valueRemaining = msg.value;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) {
uint256 sendAmount = amounts[i];
valueRemaining = valueRemaining.sub(sendAmount);
require(valueRemaining == 0, "Too much TRX sent");
* @notice Allows recipient to cancel requests sent to this oracle contract.
* Will transfer the WINK sent for the request back to the recipient address.
* @dev Given params must hash to a commitment stored on the contract in order
* for the request to be valid. Emits CancelOracleRequest event.
* @param requestId The request ID
* @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
* @param callbackFunc The requester's specified callback function selector
* @param expiration The time of the expiration for the request
function cancelOracleRequest(
bytes32 requestId,
uint64 payment,
bytes4 callbackFunc,
uint256 expiration
) external override {
bytes31 paramsHash = _buildParamsHash(payment, msg.sender, callbackFunc, expiration);
require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash == paramsHash, "Params do not match request ID");
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
require(expiration <= block.timestamp, "Request is not expired");
delete s_commitments[requestId];
emit CancelOracleRequest(requestId);
winkToken.transfer(msg.sender, payment);
* @notice Allows requester to cancel requests sent to this oracle contract.
* Will transfer the WINK sent for the request back to the recipient address.
* @dev Given params must hash to a commitment stored on the contract in order
* for the request to be valid. Emits CancelOracleRequest event.
* @param nonce The nonce used to generate the request ID
* @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
* @param callbackFunc The requester's specified callback function selector
* @param expiration The time of the expiration for the request
function cancelOracleRequestByRequester(
uint256 nonce,
uint256 payment,
bytes4 callbackFunc,
uint256 expiration
) external {
bytes32 requestId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, nonce));
bytes31 paramsHash = _buildParamsHash(payment, msg.sender, callbackFunc, expiration);
require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash == paramsHash, "Params do not match request ID");
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
require(expiration <= block.timestamp, "Request is not expired");
delete s_commitments[requestId];
emit CancelOracleRequest(requestId);
winkToken.transfer(msg.sender, payment);
* @notice Returns the address of the WINK token
* @dev This is the public implementation for WinklinkTokenAddress, which is
* an internal method of the WinklinkClient contract
function getWinklinkToken() public view returns (address) {
return address(winkMid);
* @notice Require that the token transfer action is valid
function _validateTokenTransferAction(bytes4 funcSelector, bytes memory data) internal pure {
require(data.length >= MINIMUM_REQUEST_LENGTH, "Invalid request length");
"Must use whitelisted functions"
* @notice Verify the Oracle Request and record necessary information
* @param sender The sender of the request
* @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
* @param callbackAddress The callback address for the response
* @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID for the response
* @param nonce The nonce sent by the requester
function _verifyAndProcessOracleRequest(
address sender,
uint256 payment,
address callbackAddress,
bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
uint256 nonce,
uint256 dataVersion
) private validateNotToWINK(callbackAddress) returns (bytes32 requestId, uint256 expiration) {
requestId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sender, nonce));
require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash == 0, "Must use a unique ID");
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
expiration = block.timestamp.add(getExpiryTime);
bytes31 paramsHash = _buildParamsHash(payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration);
s_commitments[requestId] = Commitment(paramsHash, _safeCastToUint8(dataVersion));
s_tokensInEscrow = s_tokensInEscrow.add(payment);
return (requestId, expiration);
* @notice Verify the Oracle request and unlock escrowed payment
* @param requestId The fulfillment request ID that must match the requester's
* @param payment The payment amount that will be released for the oracle (specified in wei)
* @param callbackAddress The callback address to call for fulfillment
* @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID to use for fulfillment
* @param expiration The expiration that the node should respond by before the requester can cancel
function _verifyOracleRequestAndProcessPayment(
bytes32 requestId,
uint256 payment,
address callbackAddress,
bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
uint256 expiration,
uint256 dataVersion
) internal {
bytes31 paramsHash = _buildParamsHash(payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration);
require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash == paramsHash, "Params do not match request ID");
require(s_commitments[requestId].dataVersion <= _safeCastToUint8(dataVersion), "Data versions must match");
s_tokensInEscrow = s_tokensInEscrow.sub(payment);
delete s_commitments[requestId];
* @notice Build the bytes31 hash from the payment, callback and expiration.
* @param payment The payment amount that will be released for the oracle (specified in wei)
* @param callbackAddress The callback address to call for fulfillment
* @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID to use for fulfillment
* @param expiration The expiration that the node should respond by before the requester can cancel
* @return hash bytes31
function _buildParamsHash(
uint256 payment,
address callbackAddress,
bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
uint256 expiration
) internal pure returns (bytes31) {
return bytes31(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration)));
* @notice Safely cast uint256 to uint8
* @param number uint256
* @return uint8 number
function _safeCastToUint8(uint256 number) internal pure returns (uint8) {
require(number < MAXIMUM_DATA_VERSION, "number too big to cast");
return uint8(number);
* @notice Returns the WINK available in this contract, not locked in escrow
* @return uint256 WINK tokens available
function _fundsAvailable() private view returns (uint256) {
uint256 inEscrow = s_tokensInEscrow.sub(ONE_FOR_CONSISTENT_GAS_COST);
return winkToken.balanceOf(address(this)).sub(inEscrow);
* @notice concrete implementation of AuthorizedReceiver
* @return bool of whether sender is authorized
function _canSetAuthorizedSenders() internal view override returns (bool) {
return isAuthorizedSender(msg.sender) || owner() == msg.sender;
function isContract(address _addr) private view returns (bool hasCode)
uint length;
assembly { length := extcodesize(_addr) }
return length > 0;
function onTokenTransfer(
address sender,
uint64 amount,
bytes memory data
) public override {
assembly {
// solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls
mstore(add(data, 36), sender) // ensure correct sender is passed
// solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls
mstore(add(data, 68), amount) // ensure correct amount is passed
// solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls
(bool success, ) = address(this).delegatecall(data); // calls oracleRequest
require(success, "Unable to create request");
* @dev Reverts if the first 32 bytes of the bytes array is not equal to requestId
* @param requestId bytes32
* @param data bytes
modifier validateMultiWordResponseId(bytes32 requestId, bytes calldata data) {
require(data.length >= 32, "Response must be > 32 bytes");
bytes32 firstDataWord;
assembly {
firstDataWord := calldataload(data.offset)
require(requestId == firstDataWord, "First word must be requestId");
* @dev Reverts if amount requested is greater than withdrawable balance
* @param amount The given amount to compare to `s_withdrawableTokens`
modifier validateAvailableFunds(uint256 amount) {
require(_fundsAvailable() >= amount, "Amount requested is greater than withdrawable balance");
* @dev Reverts if request ID does not exist
* @param requestId The given request ID to check in stored `commitments`
modifier validateRequestId(bytes32 requestId) {
require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash != 0, "Must have a valid requestId");
* @dev Reverts if the callback address is the WINK token
* @param to The callback address
modifier validateNotToWINK(address to) {
require(to != address(winkToken), "Cannot call to WINK");
* @dev Reverts if the target address is owned by the operator
modifier validateCallbackAddress(address callbackAddress) {
require(!s_owned[callbackAddress], "Cannot call owned contract");
# 設置 AnyAPI 合約及任務
# WinkMid 合約
WINkLink 用 WIN 代幣(TRC20)作為整個生態的基礎代幣。
WINkLink 使用了 transferAndCall
功能,即在轉賬 TRC20
代幣給合約的同時調用合約的某一回調函數,該功能類似 ERC677
考慮到絕大多數已發行的代幣無法再修改合約或增加接口,WINkLink 提供 WinkMid 包裝合約,可用來包裝任一 TRC20 代幣,並提供 transferAndCall 接口。
合約代碼可於 WinkMid.sol
為方便開發者使用,Nile 測試網部署了 WinkMid 合約,並封裝了 WIN 代幣。開發者可直接使用該合約地址,無需額外部署。Nile 測試網還提供水龍頭地址,用戶可以領取 TRX 和 WIN 測試代幣。
Nile 測試網
WIN TRC20 合約地址: TNDSHKGBmgRx9mDYA9CnxPx55nu672yQw2
WinkMid 合約地址: TLLEKGqhH4MiN541BDaGpXD7MRkwG2mTro
測試網水龍頭地址: https://nileex.io/join/getJoinPage (opens new window)
部署 WinkMid 合約時,開發者需在構造函數中提供被封裝的 TRC20
代幣地址(即 WIN 代幣地址)。
WinkMid 合約可幫助用戶進行合約調用,開發者無需直接進行調用操作。
部署 Coordinator 合約時需在構造函數中提供 WIN 代幣地址和 WinkMid 合約地址。
# Operator 合約
Operator 合約是處理來自 Consumer 合約的所有請求和 WINkLink 節點所有執行操作的主要合約,部署合約時需用對應參數。
部署 Operator 合約後,需使用 setAuthorizedSender 方法將 Oracle 添加到列表中,以授權其進行執行操作。
# Consumer 合約
以下示例包含兩種主要的 Consumer 合約類型:
- SingleWordConsumer
- MultiWordConsumer
刪除 bytes32 的“-”和右側填充的“0”後,將 Consumer 合約中的 Spec ID 設置為對應的外部任務 ID
# 單變量請求
下面是一個請求單變量響應的 Consumer 合約示例。
該合約接收用戶輸入的 URL 以及期望的數據路徑。示例中配置的任務可檢索 TRX 的美元、歐元或新加坡元價格。
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
import "./WinklinkClient.sol";
contract SingleWordConsumer is WinklinkClient {
using Winklink for Winklink.Request;
bytes32 internal specId;
bytes32 public currentPrice;
event RequestFulfilled(
bytes32 indexed requestId, // User-defined ID
bytes32 indexed price
address _wink,
address _winkMid,
address _oracle,
bytes32 _specId
) public {
specId = _specId;
function setSpecID(bytes32 _specId) public {
specId = _specId;
function requestTRXPrice(string memory _urlPriceCompare, string memory _currency, uint64 _payment) public {
Winklink.Request memory req = buildOperatorRequest(specId, this.fulfill.selector);
req.add("get", _urlPriceCompare);
string[] memory path = new string[](1);
path[0] = _currency;
req.addStringArray("path", path);
// version 2
sendWinklinkRequest(req, _payment);
function cancelRequest(
address _oracle,
bytes32 _requestId,
uint64 _payment,
bytes4 _callbackFunctionId,
uint256 _expiration
) public {
WinklinkRequestInterface requested = WinklinkRequestInterface(_oracle);
requested.cancelOracleRequest(_requestId, _payment, _callbackFunctionId, _expiration);
function withdrawWink() public {
TRC20Interface _wink = TRC20Interface(WinklinkTokenAddress());
require(_wink.transfer(msg.sender, _wink.balanceOf(address(this))), "Unable to transfer");
function addExternalRequest(address _oracle, bytes32 _requestId) external {
addWinklinkExternalRequest(_oracle, _requestId);
function fulfill(bytes32 _requestId, bytes32 _price) public recordWinklinkFulfillment(_requestId) {
emit RequestFulfilled(_requestId, _price);
currentPrice = _price;
我們需在 WinkLink 節點中設置一個特定任務來處理和完成所需工作。
type = "directrequest"
schemaVersion = 1
name = "DR: SingleWordRequest"
externalJobID = "8495b310-eb4a-479f-8982-ad6565213449"
forwardingAllowed = false
maxTaskDuration = "0s"
contractAddress = "0x51d389Ce2ba948C9c2fc382Efc910B5776D50E4b"
tvmChainID = "2"
minContractPaymentWin = "5"
requesters = [ "0xcFbe00786F9dC12d5985f1cD64657384F6065CD2" ]
fromAddress = "0x40544c785F4127f39c9Ad3321BE4f439eE8bd73C"
observationSource = """
decode_log [type=tvmabidecodelog abi="OracleRequest(bytes32 indexed specId, address requester, bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddr, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 cancelExpiration, uint256 dataVersion, bytes data)" data="$(jobRun.logData)" topics="$(jobRun.logTopics)"]
decode_cbor [type=cborparse data="$(decode_log.data)"]
ds1 [type=http method=GET url="$(decode_cbor.get)" allowunrestrictednetworkaccess="true"]
ds1_parse [type=jsonparse path="$(decode_cbor.path)"]
ds1_multiply [type=multiply value="$(ds1_parse)" times=100]
encode_data [type=tvmabiencode abi="(uint256 value)" data=<{"value": $(ds1_multiply)}>]
encode_tx [type=tvmabiencode abi="fulfillOracleRequest(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes32 data)" data=<{"requestId": $(decode_log.requestId), "payment": $(decode_log.payment), "callbackAddress": $(decode_log.callbackAddr), "callbackFunctionId": $(decode_log.callbackFunctionId), "expiration": $(decode_log.cancelExpiration), "data": $(encode_data)}>]
submit [type=tvmcall contract="THRs9Y3vqE4FMTE7LPjMB4LFEH8uUsZaE4" method="fulfillOracleRequest(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes32 data)" data="$(encode_tx)" extractRevertReason=true]
decode_log->decode_cbor->ds1 -> ds1_parse -> ds1_multiply->encode_data->encode_tx->submit
用指定 URL 執行 http 操作
Operator 合約將接收響應並將其轉發回 Consumer 合約。
# 多變量請求
下面是一個多變量請求的 Consumer 合約示例。
該合約接收用戶輸入的 URL 以及所有期望的數據路徑。
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
import "./WinklinkClient.sol";
contract MultiWordConsumer is WinklinkClient {
using Winklink for Winklink.Request;
bytes32 internal specId;
uint256 public currentUSDPriceInt;
uint256 public currentEURPriceInt;
uint256 public currentJPYPriceInt;
event RequestFulfilled2(
bytes32 indexed requestId,
bytes32 usd,
bytes32 eur,
bytes32 jpy
address _wink,
address _winkMid,
address _oracle,
bytes32 _specId
) public {
specId = _specId;
function setSpecID(bytes32 _specId) public {
specId = _specId;
function requestMultipleParametersWithCustomURLs(
string memory _urlPriceCompare,
string memory _pathUSD,
string memory _pathEUR,
string memory _pathJPY,
uint64 _payment
) public {
Winklink.Request memory req = buildOperatorRequest(specId, this.fulfillParametersWithCustomURLs.selector);
req.add("urlPriceCompare", _urlPriceCompare);
req.add("pathUSD", _pathUSD);
req.add("pathEUR", _pathEUR);
req.add("pathJPY", _pathJPY);
sendWinklinkRequest(req, _payment);
function cancelRequest(
address _oracle,
bytes32 _requestId,
uint64 _payment,
bytes4 _callbackFunctionId,
uint256 _expiration
) public {
WinklinkRequestInterface requested = WinklinkRequestInterface(_oracle);
requested.cancelOracleRequest(_requestId, _payment, _callbackFunctionId, _expiration);
function withdrawWink() public {
TRC20Interface _wink = TRC20Interface(WinklinkTokenAddress());
require(_wink.transfer(msg.sender, _wink.balanceOf(address(this))), "Unable to transfer");
function addExternalRequest(address _oracle, bytes32 _requestId) external {
addWinklinkExternalRequest(_oracle, _requestId);
function fulfillParametersWithCustomURLs(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _usd, uint256 _eur, uint _jpy)
emit RequestFulfilled2(_requestId, bytes32(_usd), bytes32(_eur), bytes32(_jpy));
currentUSDPriceInt = _usd;
currentEURPriceInt = _eur;
currentJPYPriceInt = _jpy;
type = "directrequest"
schemaVersion = 1
name = "DR: MultiWordRequest"
externalJobID = "11453105-98fc-4c25-b825-f4dae83e921e"
forwardingAllowed = false
maxTaskDuration = "0s"
contractAddress = "0x51d389Ce2ba948C9c2fc382Efc910B5776D50E4b"
tvmChainID = "2"
minContractPaymentWin = "1"
requesters = [ "0xcFbe00786F9dC12d5985f1cD64657384F6065CD2" ]
fromAddress = "0x40544c785F4127f39c9Ad3321BE4f439eE8bd73C"
observationSource = """
decode_log [type=tvmabidecodelog
abi="OracleRequest(bytes32 indexed specId, address requester, bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddr, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 cancelExpiration, uint256 dataVersion, bytes data)"
decode_cbor [type=cborparse data="$(decode_log.data)"]
decode_log -> decode_cbor
decode_cbor -> usd
decode_cbor -> eur
decode_cbor -> jpy
usd [type=http method=GET url="$(decode_cbor.urlPriceCompare)" allowunrestrictednetworkaccess="true"]
usd_parse [type=jsonparse path="$(decode_cbor.pathUSD)"]
usd_multiply [type=multiply value="$(usd_parse)", times="100"]
usd -> usd_parse -> usd_multiply
eur [type=http method=GET url="$(decode_cbor.urlPriceCompare)" allowunrestrictednetworkaccess="true"]
eur_parse [type=jsonparse path="$(decode_cbor.pathEUR)"]
eur_multiply [type=multiply value="$(eur_parse)", times="100"]
eur -> eur_parse -> eur_multiply
jpy [type=http method=GET url="$(decode_cbor.urlPriceCompare)" allowunrestrictednetworkaccess="true"]
jpy_parse [type=jsonparse path="$(decode_cbor.pathJPY)"]
jpy_multiply [type=multiply value="$(jpy_parse)", times="100000"]
jpy -> jpy_parse -> jpy_multiply
usd_multiply -> encode_mwr
eur_multiply -> encode_mwr
jpy_multiply -> encode_mwr
encode_mwr [type=tvmabiencode
abi="(bytes32 requestId, uint256 usd, uint256 eur, uint256 jpy)"
"requestId": $(decode_log.requestId),
"usd": $(usd_multiply),
"eur": $(eur_multiply),
"jpy": $(jpy_multiply)}>]
encode_tx [type=tvmabiencode
abi="fulfillOracleRequest2(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes calldata data)"
data=<{"requestId": $(decode_log.requestId),
"payment": $(decode_log.payment),
"callbackAddress": $(decode_log.callbackAddr),
"callbackFunctionId": $(decode_log.callbackFunctionId),
"expiration": $(decode_log.cancelExpiration),
"data": $(encode_mwr)}>]
submit_tx [type=tvmcall contract ="THRs9Y3vqE4FMTE7LPjMB4LFEH8uUsZaE4" data="$(encode_tx)" method="fulfillOracleRequest2(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes data)" extractRevertReason=true]
encode_mwr -> encode_tx -> submit_tx
用指定 URL 執行 http 操作
根據需要獲取的數據量,重復進行步驟 3 和步驟 4。
- 將編碼的數據作為響應並提交給Operator
除步驟 3 和步驟 4 需要對所有數據進行檢索和變換外,此任務規範與上述單變量請求基本一樣。
# 內部適配器
任務 | 描述 | 輸入類型 | 輸出類型 |
tvm abi decode log | 解碼鏈上檢索的事件 | []byte | map[string] |
tvm call | 在 TVM 鏈上調用合約 | []byte | Contract call Return (opens new window) struct |
hex decode | 將十六進制解碼為字符串 | string | string |
hex encode | 將字符串編碼為十六進制 | string/[]byte/decimal/big.Int | string |
base64 decode | 將字符串解碼為 Base64 | string | []byte |
base64 encode | 將 Base64 編碼為字符串 | string/[]byte | string |
http | 發起 HTTP 調用 | string (method) url (url) map[string] (requestData) bool (allowUnrestrictedNetworkAccess) []string (reqHeaders) | string |
json parse | 從 JSON 獲取值 | string (Path) string (Separator) string (Data) | map[string]interface{}/[]interface{} |
length | 獲取字符串長度 | string | decimal |
less than | 檢查輸入值是否小於限制值 | string (input) string (limit) | bool |
lower case | 將字符串轉為小寫 | string | string |
upper case | 將字符串轉為大寫 | string | string |
any | 從輸入值獲取任意值 | decimal/string | string |
mean | 根據輸入值獲取均值 | string (Values) string (AllowedFaults) string (Precision) | decimal |
median | 根據輸入值獲取中位數 | string (Values) string (AllowedFaults) | decimal |
memo | 返回輸入值 | string | string |
merge | 合並兩個字符串輸入值 | string (left) string (right) | map[string]interface{} |
multiply | 兩個輸入值相乘 | string (Input) string (Times) | decimal |
divide | 輸入值除以除數 | string (Input) string (Divisor) string (Precision) | decimal |
sum | 兩個輸入值相加 | string (Values) string (AllowedFaults) | decimal |
cbor parse | Cbor 解碼輸入值 | string (Data) string (Mode) | interface{} |