# WINkLink AnyAPI 服務

# 概覽

AnyAPI 服務提供一系列內部適配器,讓用戶可以借助 WINkLink 節點的強大功能生成自定義數據。



WINkLink AnyAPI 解決方案由鏈上和鏈下兩部分組成:

  • AnyAPI Consumer(鏈上組件):用於同 AnyAPI Operator 合約交互。用戶需向該合約充值 Wink 代幣以發起請求。
  • AnyAPI Operator(鏈上組件):用於處理 Consumer 合約發起的所有 AnyAPI 請求的合約,它會在用戶發起請求時發布一個事件,並把結果轉發給 Consumer 合約。
  • AnyAPI 服務(鏈下節點):通過訂閱 AnyAPI Operator 事件日誌監聽請求,並執行指定操作以獲取自定義數據。服務將根據請求中指定的外部任務 ID 觸發對應的任務。

# 合約

Nile 環境中(測試環境)部署了一組用於測試的合約。

項目 數值
WIN Token TNDSHKGBmgRx9mDYA9CnxPx55nu672yQw2
WinkMid TLLEKGqhH4MiN541BDaGpXD7MRkwG2mTro
Operator THRs9Y3vqE4FMTE7LPjMB4LFEH8uUsZaE4
SingleWordConsumer TP3yr6MYDTDsta9JchahunXk1vvKkw87LS
MultiWordConsumer TNCqRNxC3epb6KAiVyUvfFHJEkN2miTTb1
Single Word Spec ID 0x8495b310eb4a479f8982ad656521344900000000000000000000000000000000
Multi Word Spec ID 0x1145310598fc4c25b825f4dae83e921e00000000000000000000000000000000


當前部署的 Consumer 合約和任務僅為示例,用於學習和測試。建議用戶自主設定任務規範,創建專屬的 Consumer 合約。

# AnyAPI 請求步驟

  1. Dapp/Consumer 合約發起單變量/多變量請求,對應不同的外部任務 ID。

  2. Dapp 合約調用 WinkMid transferAndCall 函數向 Operator 支付請求所需的費用。這一方法將發送 Wink 代幣並執行 onTokenTransfer。

  3. Operator 中的 onTokenTransfer 邏輯將觸發預言機請求方法並發布 OracleRequest 事件。

  4. 訂閱該鏈的 AnyAPI 節點在收到事件後根據所含的外部任務 ID 進行處理。

  5. Operator 合約收到節點的回調函數後將結果返回給 Dapp/Consumer 合約。

使用 WINkLink Operator 合約和節點前,用戶需創建自己的 Consumer 合約和任務規範,並向合約內充值以發起請求。

# 啟動 AnyAPI 服務節點

# 入門指南

WINkLink 的維護者需要對波場 TRON 有一定的了解,且熟悉智能合約的部署和調用流程。建議閱讀波場相關的官方文檔,特別是 TronIDE 上進行合約部署的相關文章。


# 所需環境

WINkLink 節點依賴 PostgreSQL 數據庫,開發者可在 postgresql 官網的官方文檔 (opens new window)中獲取更多信息。


這裏假定本機部署的 PostgreSQL 實例的用戶名和密碼分別是 root:root。在生產環境中請使用強密碼或其他驗證方式。

WINkLink 節點使用的編程語言為 Go,因此需要搭建 Golang 環境。

# 節點配置

WINkLink 節點的配置文件格式為 TOML,主配置為 tools/config/config.toml。你可以使用 secrets.toml 指定要使用的 db 實例。以下為參考模板。

# secrets.toml
URL = 'postgresql://root:root@localhost:5432/winklink?sslmode=disable' # Require
AllowSimplePasswords = true

Keystore = 'keystorePassword' # Required

TronApiKey = 'apiKey'

節點配置文件確認完畢後,還需要創建 apicredentials 文件和 password,然後寫入用戶 ID 和密碼訪問節點 API:

# apicredentials
totallyNotFakePassword (16 characters long)
# password
totallyNotFakePassword (16 characters long)



# 搭建節點 Docker 鏡像

使用以下指令構建標準的 Linux 鏡像:

# build a docker image
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t winklink-2.0 -f core/winklink.Dockerfile .

將構建好的 Docker 鏡像打上標簽並推送到所需的存儲庫進行部署。

# 用源代碼啟動節點

安装 go1.20 (opens new window)

前往 winklink-2.0 源代碼的基本目錄


make install

使用以下指令及對應配置項啟動 WINkLink 節點:

winklink -c /tools/config/config.toml -s /tools/config/secrets.toml node start -p /tools/secrets/password -a /tools/secrets/apicredentials


節點帳號必須有足夠的 TRX 代幣,用於合約調用。可以通過測試網水龍頭申請測試代幣。

# Operator 合約

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.6;

import "./AuthorizedReceiver.sol";
import "./TRC20ReceiverInterface.sol";
import "./ConfirmedOwner.sol";
import "./TRC20Interface.sol";
import "./OperatorInterface.sol";
import "./OwnableInterface.sol";
import "./WithdrawalInterface.sol";
import "./SafeMathWinklink.sol";

 * @title The Winklink Operator contract
 * @notice Node operators can deploy this contract to fulfill requests sent to them
contract Operator is AuthorizedReceiver, ConfirmedOwner, TRC20ReceiverInterface, OperatorInterface, WithdrawalInterface {
  using SafeMathWinklink for uint256;

  struct Commitment {
    bytes31 paramsHash;
    uint8 dataVersion;

  uint256 public constant getExpiryTime = 5 minutes;
  uint256 private constant MAXIMUM_DATA_VERSION = 256;
  uint256 private constant MINIMUM_CONSUMER_GAS_LIMIT = 400000;
  uint256 private constant SELECTOR_LENGTH = 4;
  uint256 private constant EXPECTED_REQUEST_WORDS = 2;
  // We initialize fields to 1 instead of 0 so that the first invocation
  // does not cost more gas.
  uint256 private constant ONE_FOR_CONSISTENT_GAS_COST = 1;
  // oracleRequest is intended for version 1, enabling single word responses
  bytes4 private constant ORACLE_REQUEST_SELECTOR = this.oracleRequest.selector;
  // operatorRequest is intended for version 2, enabling multi-word responses
  bytes4 private constant OPERATOR_REQUEST_SELECTOR = this.operatorRequest.selector;

  TRC20Interface internal immutable winkToken;
  WinkMid internal immutable winkMid;
  mapping(bytes32 => Commitment) private s_commitments;
  mapping(address => bool) private s_owned;
  // Tokens sent for requests that have not been fulfilled yet
  uint256 private s_tokensInEscrow = ONE_FOR_CONSISTENT_GAS_COST;

  event OracleRequest(
    bytes32 indexed specId,
    address requester,
    bytes32 requestId,
    uint256 payment,
    address callbackAddr,
    bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 cancelExpiration,
    uint256 dataVersion,
    bytes data

  event CancelOracleRequest(bytes32 indexed requestId);

  event OracleResponse(bytes32 indexed requestId);

  event OwnableContractAccepted(address indexed acceptedContract);

  event TargetsUpdatedAuthorizedSenders(address[] targets, address[] senders, address changedBy);

   * @notice Deploy with the address of the WINK token
   * @dev Sets the WinkToken address for the imported TRC20Interface
   * @param wink The address of the WINK token
   * @param owner The address of the owner
  constructor(address wink, address _winkMid, address owner) ConfirmedOwner(owner) {
    winkToken = TRC20Interface(wink); // external but already deployed and unalterable
    winkMid = WinkMid(_winkMid);

   * @notice The type and version of this contract
   * @return Type and version string
  function typeAndVersion() external pure virtual returns (string memory) {
    return "Operator 1.0.0";

   * @notice Creates the Winklink request. This is a backwards compatible API
   * with the Oracle.sol contract, but the behavior changes because
   * callbackAddress is assumed to be the same as the request sender.
   * @param callbackAddress The consumer of the request
   * @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
   * @param specId The Job Specification ID
   * @param callbackAddress The address the oracle data will be sent to
   * @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID for the response
   * @param nonce The nonce sent by the requester
   * @param dataVersion The specified data version
   * @param data The extra request parameters
  function oracleRequest(
    address sender,
    uint256 payment,
    bytes32 specId,
    address callbackAddress,
    bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 nonce,
    uint256 dataVersion,
    bytes calldata data
  ) external override {
    (bytes32 requestId, uint256 expiration) = _verifyAndProcessOracleRequest(
    emit OracleRequest(specId, sender, requestId, payment, sender, callbackFunctionId, expiration, dataVersion, data);

   * @notice Creates the Winklink request
   * @dev Stores the hash of the params as the on-chain commitment for the request.
   * Emits OracleRequest event for the Winklink node to detect.
   * @param sender The sender of the request
   * @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
   * @param specId The Job Specification ID
   * @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID for the response
   * @param nonce The nonce sent by the requester
   * @param dataVersion The specified data version
   * @param data The extra request parameters
  function operatorRequest(
    address sender,
    uint256 payment,
    bytes32 specId,
    bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 nonce,
    uint256 dataVersion,
    bytes calldata data
  ) external override {
    (bytes32 requestId, uint256 expiration) = _verifyAndProcessOracleRequest(
    emit OracleRequest(specId, sender, requestId, payment, sender, callbackFunctionId, expiration, dataVersion, data);

   * @notice Called by the Winklink node to fulfill requests
   * @dev Given params must hash back to the commitment stored from `oracleRequest`.
   * Will call the callback address' callback function without bubbling up error
   * checking in a `require` so that the node can get paid.
   * @param requestId The fulfillment request ID that must match the requesters'
   * @param payment The payment amount that will be released for the oracle (specified in wei)
   * @param callbackAddress The callback address to call for fulfillment
   * @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID to use for fulfillment
   * @param expiration The expiration that the node should respond by before the requester can cancel
   * @param data The data to return to the consuming contract
   * @return Status if the external call was successful
  function fulfillOracleRequest(
    bytes32 requestId,
    uint256 payment,
    address callbackAddress,
    bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 expiration,
    bytes32 data
  returns (bool)
    _verifyOracleRequestAndProcessPayment(requestId, payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration, 1);
    emit OracleResponse(requestId);
//    require(gasleft() >= MINIMUM_CONSUMER_GAS_LIMIT, "Must provide consumer enough gas");
    // All updates to the oracle's fulfillment should come before calling the
    // callback(addr+functionId) as it is untrusted.
    // See: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/security-considerations.html#use-the-checks-effects-interactions-pattern
    (bool success, ) = callbackAddress.call(abi.encodeWithSelector(callbackFunctionId, requestId, data)); // solhint-disable-line avoid-low-level-calls
    return success;

   * @notice Called by the Winklink node to fulfill requests with multi-word support
   * @dev Given params must hash back to the commitment stored from `oracleRequest`.
   * Will call the callback address' callback function without bubbling up error
   * checking in a `require` so that the node can get paid.
   * @param requestId The fulfillment request ID that must match the requester's
   * @param payment The payment amount that will be released for the oracle (specified in wei)
   * @param callbackAddress The callback address to call for fulfillment
   * @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID to use for fulfillment
   * @param expiration The expiration that the node should respond by before the requester can cancel
   * @param data The data to return to the consuming contract
   * @return Status if the external call was successful
  function fulfillOracleRequest2(
    bytes32 requestId,
    uint256 payment,
    address callbackAddress,
    bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 expiration,
    bytes calldata data
  validateMultiWordResponseId(requestId, data)
  returns (bool)
    _verifyOracleRequestAndProcessPayment(requestId, payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration, 2);
    emit OracleResponse(requestId);
//    require(gasleft() >= MINIMUM_CONSUMER_GAS_LIMIT, "Must provide consumer enough gas");
    // All updates to the oracle's fulfillment should come before calling the
    // callback(addr+functionId) as it is untrusted.
    // See: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/security-considerations.html#use-the-checks-effects-interactions-pattern
    (bool success, ) = callbackAddress.call(abi.encodePacked(callbackFunctionId, data)); // solhint-disable-line avoid-low-level-calls
    return success;

   * @notice Transfer the ownership of ownable contracts. This is primarily
   * intended for Authorized Forwarders but could possibly be extended to work
   * with future contracts.
   * @param ownable list of addresses to transfer
   * @param newOwner address to transfer ownership to
  function transferOwnableContracts(address[] calldata ownable, address newOwner) external onlyOwner {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < ownable.length; i++) {
      s_owned[ownable[i]] = false;

   * @notice Accept the ownership of an ownable contract. This is primarily
   * intended for Authorized Forwarders but could possibly be extended to work
   * with future contracts.
   * @dev Must be the pending owner on the contract
   * @param ownable list of addresses of Ownable contracts to accept
  function acceptOwnableContracts(address[] calldata ownable) public validateAuthorizedSenderSetter {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < ownable.length; i++) {
      s_owned[ownable[i]] = true;
      emit OwnableContractAccepted(ownable[i]);

   * @notice Sets the fulfillment permission for
   * @param targets The addresses to set permissions on
   * @param senders The addresses that are allowed to send updates
  function setAuthorizedSendersOn(address[] calldata targets, address[] calldata senders)
    TargetsUpdatedAuthorizedSenders(targets, senders, msg.sender);

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {

   * @notice Accepts ownership of ownable contracts and then immediately sets
   * the authorized sender list on each of the newly owned contracts. This is
   * primarily intended for Authorized Forwarders but could possibly be
   * extended to work with future contracts.
   * @param targets The addresses to set permissions on
   * @param senders The addresses that are allowed to send updates
  function acceptAuthorizedReceivers(address[] calldata targets, address[] calldata senders)
    setAuthorizedSendersOn(targets, senders);

   * @notice Allows the node operator to withdraw earned WINK to a given address
   * @dev The owner of the contract can be another wallet and does not have to be a Winklink node
   * @param recipient The address to send the WINK token to
   * @param amount The amount to send (specified in wei)
  function withdraw(address recipient, uint256 amount)
  override(OracleInterface, WithdrawalInterface)
    assert(winkToken.transfer(recipient, amount));

   * @notice Displays the amount of WINK that is available for the node operator to withdraw
   * @dev We use `ONE_FOR_CONSISTENT_GAS_COST` in place of 0 in storage
   * @return The amount of withdrawable WINK on the contract
  function withdrawable() external view override(OracleInterface, WithdrawalInterface) returns (uint256) {
    return _fundsAvailable();

   * @notice Forward a call to another contract
   * @dev Only callable by the owner
   * @param to address
   * @param data to forward
  function ownerForward(address to, bytes calldata data) external onlyOwner validateNotToWINK(to) {
    require(isContract(to), "Must forward to a contract");
    (bool status, ) = to.call(data);
    require(status, "Forwarded call failed");

   * @notice Interact with other WINKTokenReceiver contracts by calling transferAndCall
   * @param to The address to transfer to.
   * @param value The amount to be transferred.
   * @param data The extra data to be passed to the receiving contract.
   * @return success bool
  function ownerTransferAndCall(
    address to,
    uint64 value,
    bytes calldata data
  ) external override onlyOwner validateAvailableFunds(value) returns (bool success) {
    winkToken.approve(address(winkMid), value);
    return winkMid.transferAndCall(to, value, data);

   * @notice Distribute funds to multiple addresses using ETH send
   * to this payable function.
   * @dev Array length must be equal, TRX sent must equal the sum of amounts.
   * A malicious receiver could cause the distribution to revert, in which case
   * it is expected that the address is removed from the list.
   * @param receivers list of addresses
   * @param amounts list of amounts
  function distributeFunds(address payable[] calldata receivers, uint256[] calldata amounts) external payable {
    require(receivers.length > 0 && receivers.length == amounts.length, "Invalid array length(s)");
    uint256 valueRemaining = msg.value;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) {
      uint256 sendAmount = amounts[i];
      valueRemaining = valueRemaining.sub(sendAmount);
    require(valueRemaining == 0, "Too much TRX sent");

   * @notice Allows recipient to cancel requests sent to this oracle contract.
   * Will transfer the WINK sent for the request back to the recipient address.
   * @dev Given params must hash to a commitment stored on the contract in order
   * for the request to be valid. Emits CancelOracleRequest event.
   * @param requestId The request ID
   * @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
   * @param callbackFunc The requester's specified callback function selector
   * @param expiration The time of the expiration for the request
  function cancelOracleRequest(
    bytes32 requestId,
    uint64 payment,
    bytes4 callbackFunc,
    uint256 expiration
  ) external override {
    bytes31 paramsHash = _buildParamsHash(payment, msg.sender, callbackFunc, expiration);
    require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash == paramsHash, "Params do not match request ID");
    // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
    require(expiration <= block.timestamp, "Request is not expired");

    delete s_commitments[requestId];
    emit CancelOracleRequest(requestId);

    winkToken.transfer(msg.sender, payment);

   * @notice Allows requester to cancel requests sent to this oracle contract.
   * Will transfer the WINK sent for the request back to the recipient address.
   * @dev Given params must hash to a commitment stored on the contract in order
   * for the request to be valid. Emits CancelOracleRequest event.
   * @param nonce The nonce used to generate the request ID
   * @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
   * @param callbackFunc The requester's specified callback function selector
   * @param expiration The time of the expiration for the request
  function cancelOracleRequestByRequester(
    uint256 nonce,
    uint256 payment,
    bytes4 callbackFunc,
    uint256 expiration
  ) external {
    bytes32 requestId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, nonce));
    bytes31 paramsHash = _buildParamsHash(payment, msg.sender, callbackFunc, expiration);
    require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash == paramsHash, "Params do not match request ID");
    // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
    require(expiration <= block.timestamp, "Request is not expired");

    delete s_commitments[requestId];
    emit CancelOracleRequest(requestId);

    winkToken.transfer(msg.sender, payment);

   * @notice Returns the address of the WINK token
   * @dev This is the public implementation for WinklinkTokenAddress, which is
   * an internal method of the WinklinkClient contract
  function getWinklinkToken() public view returns (address) {
    return address(winkMid);

   * @notice Require that the token transfer action is valid
  function _validateTokenTransferAction(bytes4 funcSelector, bytes memory data) internal pure {
    require(data.length >= MINIMUM_REQUEST_LENGTH, "Invalid request length");
      "Must use whitelisted functions"

   * @notice Verify the Oracle Request and record necessary information
   * @param sender The sender of the request
   * @param payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei)
   * @param callbackAddress The callback address for the response
   * @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID for the response
   * @param nonce The nonce sent by the requester
  function _verifyAndProcessOracleRequest(
    address sender,
    uint256 payment,
    address callbackAddress,
    bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 nonce,
    uint256 dataVersion
  ) private validateNotToWINK(callbackAddress) returns (bytes32 requestId, uint256 expiration) {
    requestId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sender, nonce));
    require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash == 0, "Must use a unique ID");
    // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
    expiration = block.timestamp.add(getExpiryTime);
    bytes31 paramsHash = _buildParamsHash(payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration);
    s_commitments[requestId] = Commitment(paramsHash, _safeCastToUint8(dataVersion));
    s_tokensInEscrow = s_tokensInEscrow.add(payment);
    return (requestId, expiration);

   * @notice Verify the Oracle request and unlock escrowed payment
   * @param requestId The fulfillment request ID that must match the requester's
   * @param payment The payment amount that will be released for the oracle (specified in wei)
   * @param callbackAddress The callback address to call for fulfillment
   * @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID to use for fulfillment
   * @param expiration The expiration that the node should respond by before the requester can cancel
  function _verifyOracleRequestAndProcessPayment(
    bytes32 requestId,
    uint256 payment,
    address callbackAddress,
    bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 expiration,
    uint256 dataVersion
  ) internal {
    bytes31 paramsHash = _buildParamsHash(payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration);
    require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash == paramsHash, "Params do not match request ID");
    require(s_commitments[requestId].dataVersion <= _safeCastToUint8(dataVersion), "Data versions must match");
    s_tokensInEscrow = s_tokensInEscrow.sub(payment);
    delete s_commitments[requestId];

   * @notice Build the bytes31 hash from the payment, callback and expiration.
   * @param payment The payment amount that will be released for the oracle (specified in wei)
   * @param callbackAddress The callback address to call for fulfillment
   * @param callbackFunctionId The callback function ID to use for fulfillment
   * @param expiration The expiration that the node should respond by before the requester can cancel
   * @return hash bytes31
  function _buildParamsHash(
    uint256 payment,
    address callbackAddress,
    bytes4 callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 expiration
  ) internal pure returns (bytes31) {
    return bytes31(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration)));

   * @notice Safely cast uint256 to uint8
   * @param number uint256
   * @return uint8 number
  function _safeCastToUint8(uint256 number) internal pure returns (uint8) {
    require(number < MAXIMUM_DATA_VERSION, "number too big to cast");
    return uint8(number);

   * @notice Returns the WINK available in this contract, not locked in escrow
   * @return uint256 WINK tokens available
  function _fundsAvailable() private view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 inEscrow = s_tokensInEscrow.sub(ONE_FOR_CONSISTENT_GAS_COST);
    return winkToken.balanceOf(address(this)).sub(inEscrow);

   * @notice concrete implementation of AuthorizedReceiver
   * @return bool of whether sender is authorized
  function _canSetAuthorizedSenders() internal view override returns (bool) {
    return isAuthorizedSender(msg.sender) || owner() == msg.sender;

  function isContract(address _addr) private view returns (bool hasCode)
    uint length;
    assembly { length := extcodesize(_addr) }
    return length > 0;

  function onTokenTransfer(
    address sender,
    uint64 amount,
    bytes memory data
  ) public override {
    assembly {
    // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls
      mstore(add(data, 36), sender) // ensure correct sender is passed
    // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls
      mstore(add(data, 68), amount) // ensure correct amount is passed
    // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls
    (bool success, ) = address(this).delegatecall(data); // calls oracleRequest
    require(success, "Unable to create request");


   * @dev Reverts if the first 32 bytes of the bytes array is not equal to requestId
   * @param requestId bytes32
   * @param data bytes
  modifier validateMultiWordResponseId(bytes32 requestId, bytes calldata data) {
    require(data.length >= 32, "Response must be > 32 bytes");
    bytes32 firstDataWord;
    assembly {
      firstDataWord := calldataload(data.offset)
    require(requestId == firstDataWord, "First word must be requestId");

   * @dev Reverts if amount requested is greater than withdrawable balance
   * @param amount The given amount to compare to `s_withdrawableTokens`
  modifier validateAvailableFunds(uint256 amount) {
    require(_fundsAvailable() >= amount, "Amount requested is greater than withdrawable balance");

   * @dev Reverts if request ID does not exist
   * @param requestId The given request ID to check in stored `commitments`
  modifier validateRequestId(bytes32 requestId) {
    require(s_commitments[requestId].paramsHash != 0, "Must have a valid requestId");

   * @dev Reverts if the callback address is the WINK token
   * @param to The callback address
  modifier validateNotToWINK(address to) {
    require(to != address(winkToken), "Cannot call to WINK");

   * @dev Reverts if the target address is owned by the operator
  modifier validateCallbackAddress(address callbackAddress) {
    require(!s_owned[callbackAddress], "Cannot call owned contract");

# 設置 AnyAPI 合約及任務

# WinkMid 合約

WINkLink 用 WIN 代幣(TRC20)作為整個生態的基礎代幣。

WINkLink 使用了 transferAndCall 功能,即在轉賬 TRC20 代幣給合約的同時調用合約的某一回調函數,該功能類似 ERC677,但接口參數不同。

考慮到絕大多數已發行的代幣無法再修改合約或增加接口,WINkLink 提供 WinkMid 包裝合約,可用來包裝任一 TRC20 代幣,並提供 transferAndCall 接口。

合約代碼可於 WinkMid.sol 查看。

為方便開發者使用,Nile 測試網部署了 WinkMid 合約,並封裝了 WIN 代幣。開發者可直接使用該合約地址,無需額外部署。Nile 測試網還提供水龍頭地址,用戶可以領取 TRX 和 WIN 測試代幣。


Nile 測試網

WIN TRC20 合約地址: TNDSHKGBmgRx9mDYA9CnxPx55nu672yQw2

WinkMid 合約地址: TLLEKGqhH4MiN541BDaGpXD7MRkwG2mTro

測試網水龍頭地址: https://nileex.io/join/getJoinPage (opens new window)

部署 WinkMid 合約時,開發者需在構造函數中提供被封裝的 TRC20 代幣地址(即 WIN 代幣地址)。

WinkMid 合約可幫助用戶進行合約調用,開發者無需直接進行調用操作。

部署 Coordinator 合約時需在構造函數中提供 WIN 代幣地址和 WinkMid 合約地址。

# Operator 合約

Operator 合約是處理來自 Consumer 合約的所有請求和 WINkLink 節點所有執行操作的主要合約,部署合約時需用對應參數。

部署 Operator 合約後,需使用 setAuthorizedSender 方法將 Oracle 添加到列表中,以授權其進行執行操作。

# Consumer 合約

以下示例包含兩種主要的 Consumer 合約類型:

  • SingleWordConsumer


  • MultiWordConsumer




刪除 bytes32 的“-”和右側填充的“0”後,將 Consumer 合約中的 Spec ID 設置為對應的外部任務 ID


# 單變量請求

下面是一個請求單變量響應的 Consumer 合約示例。

該合約接收用戶輸入的 URL 以及期望的數據路徑。示例中配置的任務可檢索 TRX 的美元、歐元或新加坡元價格。

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;

import "./WinklinkClient.sol";

contract SingleWordConsumer is WinklinkClient {
  using Winklink for Winklink.Request;

  bytes32 internal specId;
  bytes32 public currentPrice;

  event RequestFulfilled(
    bytes32 indexed requestId, // User-defined ID
    bytes32 indexed price

    address _wink,
    address _winkMid,
    address _oracle,
    bytes32 _specId
  ) public {
    specId = _specId;

  function setSpecID(bytes32 _specId) public {
    specId = _specId;

  function requestTRXPrice(string memory _urlPriceCompare, string memory _currency, uint64 _payment) public {
    Winklink.Request memory req = buildOperatorRequest(specId, this.fulfill.selector);
    req.add("get", _urlPriceCompare);
    string[] memory path = new string[](1);
    path[0] = _currency;
    req.addStringArray("path", path);
    // version 2
    sendWinklinkRequest(req, _payment);

  function cancelRequest(
    address _oracle,
    bytes32 _requestId,
    uint64 _payment,
    bytes4 _callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 _expiration
  ) public {
    WinklinkRequestInterface requested = WinklinkRequestInterface(_oracle);
    requested.cancelOracleRequest(_requestId, _payment, _callbackFunctionId, _expiration);

  function withdrawWink() public {
    TRC20Interface _wink = TRC20Interface(WinklinkTokenAddress());
    require(_wink.transfer(msg.sender, _wink.balanceOf(address(this))), "Unable to transfer");

  function addExternalRequest(address _oracle, bytes32 _requestId) external {
    addWinklinkExternalRequest(_oracle, _requestId);

  function fulfill(bytes32 _requestId, bytes32 _price) public recordWinklinkFulfillment(_requestId) {
    emit RequestFulfilled(_requestId, _price);
    currentPrice = _price;

我們需在 WinkLink 節點中設置一個特定任務來處理和完成所需工作。

type = "directrequest"
schemaVersion = 1
name = "DR: SingleWordRequest"
externalJobID = "8495b310-eb4a-479f-8982-ad6565213449"
forwardingAllowed = false
maxTaskDuration = "0s"
contractAddress = "0x51d389Ce2ba948C9c2fc382Efc910B5776D50E4b"
tvmChainID = "2"
minContractPaymentWin = "5"
requesters = [ "0xcFbe00786F9dC12d5985f1cD64657384F6065CD2" ]
fromAddress = "0x40544c785F4127f39c9Ad3321BE4f439eE8bd73C"
observationSource = """
    decode_log     [type=tvmabidecodelog abi="OracleRequest(bytes32 indexed specId, address requester, bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddr, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 cancelExpiration, uint256 dataVersion, bytes data)" data="$(jobRun.logData)" topics="$(jobRun.logTopics)"]
    decode_cbor    [type=cborparse data="$(decode_log.data)"]
    ds1                     [type=http method=GET url="$(decode_cbor.get)" allowunrestrictednetworkaccess="true"]
    ds1_parse         [type=jsonparse path="$(decode_cbor.path)"]
    ds1_multiply     [type=multiply value="$(ds1_parse)" times=100]
    encode_data    [type=tvmabiencode abi="(uint256 value)" data=<{"value": $(ds1_multiply)}>]
    encode_tx        [type=tvmabiencode abi="fulfillOracleRequest(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes32 data)" data=<{"requestId": $(decode_log.requestId), "payment": $(decode_log.payment), "callbackAddress": $(decode_log.callbackAddr), "callbackFunctionId": $(decode_log.callbackFunctionId), "expiration": $(decode_log.cancelExpiration), "data": $(encode_data)}>]
   submit [type=tvmcall contract="THRs9Y3vqE4FMTE7LPjMB4LFEH8uUsZaE4" method="fulfillOracleRequest(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes32 data)" data="$(encode_tx)" extractRevertReason=true]

decode_log->decode_cbor->ds1 -> ds1_parse -> ds1_multiply->encode_data->encode_tx->submit


  1. 解碼鏈上獲取的事件消息

  2. 用指定 URL 執行 http 操作

  3. 用提供的路徑從指定路徑檢索數據

  4. 進行所需的數據變換

  5. 將編碼的數據作為響應並提交給Operator

Operator 合約將接收響應並將其轉發回 Consumer 合約。

# 多變量請求

下面是一個多變量請求的 Consumer 合約示例。

該合約接收用戶輸入的 URL 以及所有期望的數據路徑。

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;

import "./WinklinkClient.sol";

contract MultiWordConsumer is WinklinkClient {
  using Winklink for Winklink.Request;

  bytes32 internal specId;
  uint256 public currentUSDPriceInt;
  uint256 public currentEURPriceInt;
  uint256 public currentJPYPriceInt;

  event RequestFulfilled2(
    bytes32 indexed requestId,
    bytes32 usd,
    bytes32 eur,
    bytes32 jpy

    address _wink,
    address _winkMid,
    address _oracle,
    bytes32 _specId
  ) public {
    specId = _specId;

  function setSpecID(bytes32 _specId) public {
    specId = _specId;

  function requestMultipleParametersWithCustomURLs(
    string memory _urlPriceCompare,
    string memory _pathUSD,
    string memory _pathEUR,
    string memory _pathJPY,
    uint64 _payment
  ) public {
    Winklink.Request memory req = buildOperatorRequest(specId, this.fulfillParametersWithCustomURLs.selector);
    req.add("urlPriceCompare", _urlPriceCompare);
    req.add("pathUSD", _pathUSD);
    req.add("pathEUR", _pathEUR);
    req.add("pathJPY", _pathJPY);
    sendWinklinkRequest(req, _payment);

  function cancelRequest(
    address _oracle,
    bytes32 _requestId,
    uint64 _payment,
    bytes4 _callbackFunctionId,
    uint256 _expiration
  ) public {
    WinklinkRequestInterface requested = WinklinkRequestInterface(_oracle);
    requested.cancelOracleRequest(_requestId, _payment, _callbackFunctionId, _expiration);

  function withdrawWink() public {
    TRC20Interface _wink = TRC20Interface(WinklinkTokenAddress());
    require(_wink.transfer(msg.sender, _wink.balanceOf(address(this))), "Unable to transfer");

  function addExternalRequest(address _oracle, bytes32 _requestId) external {
    addWinklinkExternalRequest(_oracle, _requestId);

  function fulfillParametersWithCustomURLs(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _usd, uint256 _eur, uint _jpy)
    emit RequestFulfilled2(_requestId, bytes32(_usd), bytes32(_eur), bytes32(_jpy));
    currentUSDPriceInt = _usd;
    currentEURPriceInt = _eur;
    currentJPYPriceInt = _jpy;


type = "directrequest"
schemaVersion = 1
name = "DR: MultiWordRequest"
externalJobID = "11453105-98fc-4c25-b825-f4dae83e921e"
forwardingAllowed = false
maxTaskDuration = "0s"
contractAddress = "0x51d389Ce2ba948C9c2fc382Efc910B5776D50E4b"
tvmChainID = "2"
minContractPaymentWin = "1"
requesters = [ "0xcFbe00786F9dC12d5985f1cD64657384F6065CD2" ]
fromAddress = "0x40544c785F4127f39c9Ad3321BE4f439eE8bd73C"
observationSource = """
     decode_log  [type=tvmabidecodelog
                  abi="OracleRequest(bytes32 indexed specId, address requester, bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddr, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 cancelExpiration, uint256 dataVersion, bytes data)"
    decode_cbor  [type=cborparse data="$(decode_log.data)"]

    decode_log -> decode_cbor

    decode_cbor -> usd
    decode_cbor -> eur
    decode_cbor -> jpy

    usd           [type=http method=GET url="$(decode_cbor.urlPriceCompare)" allowunrestrictednetworkaccess="true"]
    usd_parse     [type=jsonparse path="$(decode_cbor.pathUSD)"]
    usd_multiply  [type=multiply value="$(usd_parse)", times="100"]
    usd -> usd_parse -> usd_multiply

    eur            [type=http method=GET url="$(decode_cbor.urlPriceCompare)" allowunrestrictednetworkaccess="true"]
    eur_parse      [type=jsonparse path="$(decode_cbor.pathEUR)"]
    eur_multiply   [type=multiply value="$(eur_parse)", times="100"]
    eur -> eur_parse -> eur_multiply

    jpy            [type=http method=GET url="$(decode_cbor.urlPriceCompare)" allowunrestrictednetworkaccess="true"]
    jpy_parse      [type=jsonparse path="$(decode_cbor.pathJPY)"]
    jpy_multiply   [type=multiply value="$(jpy_parse)", times="100000"]
    jpy -> jpy_parse -> jpy_multiply

    usd_multiply -> encode_mwr
    eur_multiply -> encode_mwr
    jpy_multiply -> encode_mwr

    encode_mwr [type=tvmabiencode
                abi="(bytes32 requestId, uint256 usd, uint256 eur, uint256 jpy)"
                    "requestId": $(decode_log.requestId),
                    "usd": $(usd_multiply),
                    "eur": $(eur_multiply),
                    "jpy": $(jpy_multiply)}>]
    encode_tx  [type=tvmabiencode
                abi="fulfillOracleRequest2(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes calldata data)"
                data=<{"requestId": $(decode_log.requestId),
                       "payment":   $(decode_log.payment),
                       "callbackAddress": $(decode_log.callbackAddr),
                       "callbackFunctionId": $(decode_log.callbackFunctionId),
                       "expiration": $(decode_log.cancelExpiration),
                       "data": $(encode_mwr)}>]
    submit_tx  [type=tvmcall contract ="THRs9Y3vqE4FMTE7LPjMB4LFEH8uUsZaE4" data="$(encode_tx)"  method="fulfillOracleRequest2(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes data)" extractRevertReason=true]

    encode_mwr -> encode_tx -> submit_tx


  1. 解碼鏈上獲取的事件消息

  2. 用指定 URL 執行 http 操作

  1. 用提供的路徑從指定路徑檢索數據

  2. 進行所需的數據變換

根據需要獲取的數據量,重復進行步驟 3 和步驟 4。

  1. 將編碼的數據作為響應並提交給Operator

除步驟 3 和步驟 4 需要對所有數據進行檢索和變換外,此任務規範與上述單變量請求基本一樣。

# 內部適配器


任務 描述 輸入類型 輸出類型
tvm abi decode log 解碼鏈上檢索的事件 []byte map[string]
tvm call 在 TVM 鏈上調用合約 []byte Contract call Return (opens new window) struct
hex decode 將十六進制解碼為字符串 string string
hex encode 將字符串編碼為十六進制 string/[]byte/decimal/big.Int string
base64 decode 將字符串解碼為 Base64 string []byte
base64 encode 將 Base64 編碼為字符串 string/[]byte string
http 發起 HTTP 調用 string (method)
url (url)
map[string] (requestData)
bool (allowUnrestrictedNetworkAccess)
[]string (reqHeaders)
json parse 從 JSON 獲取值 string (Path)
string (Separator)
string (Data)
length 獲取字符串長度 string decimal
less than 檢查輸入值是否小於限制值 string (input)
string (limit)
lower case 將字符串轉為小寫 string string
upper case 將字符串轉為大寫 string string
any 從輸入值獲取任意值 decimal/string string
mean 根據輸入值獲取均值 string (Values)
string (AllowedFaults)
string (Precision)
median 根據輸入值獲取中位數 string (Values)
string (AllowedFaults)
memo 返回輸入值 string string
merge 合並兩個字符串輸入值 string (left)
string (right)
multiply 兩個輸入值相乘 string (Input)
string (Times)
divide 輸入值除以除數 string (Input)
string (Divisor)
string (Precision)
sum 兩個輸入值相加 string (Values)
string (AllowedFaults)
cbor parse Cbor 解碼輸入值 string (Data)
string (Mode)